Surge Vessels

Surge vessels are used in municipal, commercial and industrial water systems to alleviate water hammer shock and pump start-up/shut-down water surge. These vessels prevent a sudden change in fluid flow rate by supplying water at current pressure.

In case of pump shut down or power failure, the pumps in the fluid line will stop immediately, but the water column remains the same due to its physical mass (inertia). Hence, a vacuum is created behind the pump discharge outlet. The subsequent water column stoppage and reverse flow results in a fast backflow which is suddenly stopped by the non-return valve. This could create a violent and dangerous water hammer which can destroy the pump and valves. Under such conditions, installing a surge vessel greatly helps the situation.

AMETECS is a leading manufacturer of surge vessels in UAE, having supplied close to 200 vessels over since 2015 to our clients all over the world. Our surge vessels are fabricated in line with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and are certified by third-party inspection agencies, for Code compliance. We can also offer hydraulic/surge analysis of pipeline systems, thereby acting as a one-stop destination for clients looking at water hammer solutions.